Mines Saint-Etienne, Institut Henri Fayol, 158 Cours Fauriel 42023 Saint-Etienne, France
Mines Saint-Etienne as a member of the IMT – Institut Mines Telecom, has been clearly identified as an active actor in the domain of industry 4.0. Among the ongoing actions are the ones led by Fayol Institute. Industrial transition and industry 4.0 are a major part of the Fayol strategy. This was vouched for by several initiatives including a master and demonstration platform for industry 4.0. The master is titled Management of the Industrial Transition (coordinated by K. Medini) and is intended for supporting companies deal with the emerging opportunities and risks of industry 4.0. The learning process is enhanced by a demonstration platform established at Fayol Institute aiming at knowledge transfer in the domain of the industry 4.0. Variety and complexity management are partly dealt with in these initiatives. Besides, the research in this domain at Fayol Institute is also supported by ongoing PhDs.
Thomas Jefferson Fund, Face Foundation, Make Our Planet Great Again Initiative.
Khaled Medini, khaled.medini@emse.fr
Thorsten Wuest, thwuest@mail.wvu.edu
West Virginia University, Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, Morgantown, USA
West Virginia University, a R1 research university, is the Flagship university of the state of West Virginia and a land-grant and space grant institution. As such, we emphasize excellency in research, teaching, and service and instill this passion in all our students, faculty, and staff. The Industrial and Management Systems Engineering (IMSE) department is part of the Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral resources and home to over 4,500 student in seven departments, 13 majors and 150 faculty members. The smart manufacturing Lab focusses on digital transformation, Industry 4.0, Servitization/PSS, and AI/machine learning in manufacturing systems and along the product lifecycle.